The MYTHS I ONCE Believed - Beauty and Skincare Products


In this article, the author discusses their previous misconceptions about skincare products. They admit to having believed some big and harmful lies in the past. The author starts by mentioning that they used to believe that more expensive skincare products would produce better results. They believed that high-end products would effectively solve all their skin issues. However, the author explains that they have now realized that the price tag of skincare products does not guarantee their effectiveness. They point out that there are often affordable alternatives that work just as well, if not better.


Another falsehood the author used to believe was that skincare products with a strong fragrance were more effective. They assumed that the pleasant scent indicated the potency of the product. However, the author admits that this was a mistake, as fragrances can actually be irritating to the skin. They now prioritize fragrance-free products to avoid any potential harmful effects.

Furthermore, the author confesses to having believed that all-natural skincare products were automatically better and safer. They used to assume that natural ingredients would be gentler and more beneficial for their skin.


However, the author now understands that not all natural ingredients are suitable for everyone's skin, and that synthetic ingredients can also be safe and effective.

In conclusion, the author shares their personal journey of dispelling certain misconceptions about skincare products. They emphasize that expensive price tags, fragrance, and natural ingredients do not necessarily equate to better results. It is important to consider individual skin needs and preferences when choosing skincare products, rather than relying on misleading claims.

