Membrane Sweeps, Bloody Shows, and Mucus Plugs: Signs of Labor at Week 39


In this pregnancy vlog, a woman who is 39 weeks pregnant shares her experience of getting a membrane sweep and the possible signs of labor. The vlogger explains that a membrane sweep is a procedure performed by a healthcare professional to try to stimulate labor. During the sweep, the healthcare provider uses their finger to separate the amniotic sac from the cervix, which releases hormones that can potentially trigger contractions.

After the membrane sweep, the vlogger noticed a small amount of blood, which is referred to as a "bloody show." This is a sign that the cervix is starting to dilate and labor may be imminent.


The vlogger explains that the bloody show can be a positive indication that the body is preparing for birth.

Another sign mentioned in the vlog is the loss of the mucus plug. The mucus plug is a thick secretion that seals the cervix during pregnancy, preventing bacteria from entering the uterus. As the cervix begins to dilate and efface, the mucus plug is expelled, often indicating that labor is approaching.

The woman also discusses the possibility of going into labor soon after the membrane sweep. She explains that every pregnancy and labor experience is different, so it is difficult to determine exactly when labor will begin.


However, she notes that many women have reported going into labor within a few days of having a sweep.

The vlogger takes the opportunity to explain the importance of tracking any signs of labor and contacting a healthcare provider. She advises expecting mothers to pay attention to their bodies and look out for other signs such as regular contractions, breaking of the waters, or intensifying back pain, as these can also indicate labor.

The vlogger then shares her personal experience of feeling mild contractions after the membrane sweep. She notes that they were irregular and not very intense, but she is hopeful that they will progress into stronger and more regular contractions as her body continues to prepare for labor.


In conclusion, this pregnancy vlog focuses on the experiences of a woman who had a membrane sweep at 39 weeks pregnant. She discusses the bloody show, loss of the mucus plug, and the possibility of going into labor after the sweep. The vlogger emphasizes the importance of monitoring any signs of labor and contacting healthcare professionals for guidance.

