Post-Baby Closet Overhaul: Complete Decluttering and Revamping the Wardrobe (Vlogmas day 2)


In this vlog, the author embarks on a massive closet cleanout after giving birth. The goal is to purge everything and reorganize the closet from scratch. This endeavor is part of their Vlogmas series and is documented on day 2.

The author begins the video by acknowledging the chaos that their closet has become since having a baby. They explain that their body has changed postpartum, and their wardrobe no longer fits or suits their style. Therefore, they have decided to revamp their closet entirely.

The first step in the process is to remove all the clothes from the closet. The author takes out every item, piece by piece, evaluating each one and deciding whether to keep, donate, or discard it.


They explain that this process allows them to assess what they actually need and what no longer serves them.

As they go through the clothes, the author expresses their emotions and memories attached to certain items. The video captures moments of sentimentality as they recall the stages of life associated with different garments.

After the purge, the author moves on to organizing their closet. They start by categorizing the remaining clothes, such as separating tops, bottoms, dresses, and outerwear. This step helps them see what they have and makes it easier to put outfits together.

Next, they implement a new organizational system.


The author chooses to color-coordinate their wardrobe, arranging the clothes by shades and tones. They explain that this arrangement makes it visually appealing and helps them find what they're looking for more easily.

To further optimize the closet space, the author invests in storage solutions such as drawer dividers and hangers. They demonstrate how these tools enhance their ability to keep the closet tidy and maximize the use of every inch of space.

Throughout the video, the author reflects on the emotional and mental impact of the closet cleanout. They talk about how organizing their physical space can improve their overall well-being and contribute to a fresh start after becoming a parent.


In conclusion, this vlog captures the author's extreme closet cleanout as they purge everything and reorganize their wardrobe postpartum. The video highlights the sentimental value attached to certain items and demonstrates the process of categorizing, color-coordinating, and optimizing closet space. This endeavor is an essential step for the author, symbolizing a fresh start and improved well-being after the transformative experience of giving birth.

