Mom Guilt and Entrepreneurship: Candid Conversations, Latinx Empowerment, and a Homemade Starbucks Medicine Ball Recipe


This vlogmas video titled "CHIT CHAT GRWM: Mom Guilt, Latina Business Owners & Starbucks Medicine Ball Recipe" features a woman sharing her thoughts and experiences while getting ready for the day. The video touches on the topics of mom guilt, being a Latina business owner, and also includes a recipe for the popular Starbucks Medicine Ball.

The video begins with the woman discussing the concept of mom guilt. She opens up about the pressures and expectations that come with being a mother and feeling guilty for not being able to do everything perfectly. She expresses her belief that it's important to prioritize self-care and not let mom guilt consume one's life.


The woman then transitions into discussing her experience as a Latina business owner. She talks about the challenges she faced in starting and running her own business, but also highlights the support and camaraderie she has found within the Latina entrepreneurial community. She encourages other Latinas to pursue their dreams and embrace their cultural identity while doing so.

Towards the end of the video, the woman shares a recipe for the Starbucks Medicine Ball, a popular drink known for its soothing effects. She walks viewers through the ingredients and preparation steps, providing an easy and cost-effective way to recreate the beverage at home.


Throughout the video, the woman maintains a chit-chat style, engaging with her audience as if they were having a conversation. She offers personal anecdotes and speaks candidly about her experiences, which creates a relatable and down-to-earth atmosphere.

Overall, this vlogmas video covers various topics while the woman gets ready for the day. She shares her thoughts on mom guilt, discusses her experiences as a Latina business owner, and provides a recipe for the Starbucks Medicine Ball. The video offers a mix of personal insights and practical tips, making it both informative and engaging for viewers.

