Post-Baby Q&A: Weight Gain, Tearing, Anxiety, Depression – Insights from Vlogmas Day 11


In this vlogmas video, the content creator discusses three common postpartum concerns: weight gain, tearing, and postpartum anxiety/depression. The creator answers viewers' questions and provides personal insights on these subjects, aiming to offer support and guidance to new mothers.

The first concern addressed is weight gain during pregnancy. The content creator candidly shares her own experience, acknowledging that every woman's body is different and will react differently to pregnancy. She emphasizes the importance of not obsessing over the number on the scale and instead focusing on maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


The creator advises viewers to be patient with their bodies and understand that it takes time for the weight to naturally come off after giving birth.

The second topic discussed is tearing during childbirth. The content creator admits that she personally experienced tearing and found the recovery process difficult. She advises viewers to follow their doctors' instructions for postpartum care, including using ice packs, taking sitz baths, and using pain medication. The creator also suggests seeking a pelvic floor physical therapist to aid in the healing process.

Lastly, the content creator touches on postpartum anxiety and depression.


She expresses her own experience with postpartum anxiety, noting the importance of seeking professional help and not dismissing one's feelings. The creator shares how therapy greatly helped her navigate through her emotions during the postpartum period. She encourages viewers to reach out to healthcare providers if they believe they are experiencing postpartum anxiety or depression and reminds them that it is normal to need support during this time.

Throughout the video, the content creator maintains a sympathetic and caring tone, emphasizing that every woman's postpartum journey is unique. She aims to provide comfort and reassurance to new mothers who may be experiencing these common concerns.


The content creator emphasizes the importance of self-care during this time and encourages viewers to take care of their physical and mental well-being.

In conclusion, this vlogmas video focuses on three postpartum concerns: weight gain, tearing, and postpartum anxiety/depression. The content creator shares personal experiences and provides guidance to support new mothers through these challenges. The video offers a sense of understanding and encouragement, reminding viewers to prioritize self-care during the postpartum period.

